Review: Samsung Charge zooms past 3G

When I saw the commercials for the Verizon 4G LTE phones, I thought “who needs that?” It’s sort of like how in the 90s when we were perfectly happy chugging along on our 56k modem when suddenly there was blazing fast cable access and we were like “do we really need that.” Oh yeah, you will want it faster.

Action Packed Cars 2 is Zooming into Town!

CARS 2 is the best 3-D international spy thriller on four wheels!   We had the privilege of catching an early showing of Disney’s Cars 2 Monday night.  WOW!!! – it was a turbo-charged animated delight!  Disney and Pixar have done a great job on this one.   The opening scene showcases British spy roadster, …

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer’ follows the title character, a Virginia girl who just finished third grade, who’s determined to make this summer the best one yet. She creates a thrill chart so that her and her friends can compete to get the most thrill points; to get points, they must complete the …

The Traverse Left Me Wanting More

I didn’t love the Traverse.  Yes, I said that out loud and with that, I’ll tell you why. As a mom, I need to love my car because I spend at least 50% of my day driving back and forth to schools twice a day and to run errands.  GM gave me a Chevy Traverse …