I turned on the Samsung Charge and could see I was in the 4G area and started watching YouTube videos. Those commercials aren’t kidding. The speed is so fast that you’ll be blown away by how quickly you can pull up that Sesame Street video in the doctor’s office to help distract your children from spinning on the chair. Oh, is that just me?
The Samsung Charge is very much an Android phone. They all operate in much the same way. The Charge comes loaded with many, many, many apps, probably too many. One of my biggest pet peeves is all the extra apps that come on phones that you can’t remove. Verizon must be getting some money from Blockbuster because that app is on my Droid X, I’ll never use it, but I also can’t get rid of it. Having the extra apps just means I have more to scroll through when trying to locate something in my app drawer.
However, some of the apps are really neat, such as the two-way video chat and the speed test, which I highlight in my video.
I love Android phones. They were exactly what I was looking for in the cell phone market. It seems each phone that I test is better and better. This Samsung Charge is no exception. And the speed, well, it certainly has me reconsidering the need for a 4G LTE capable phone.
And now the fine print: I was provided with a Verizon Wireless Samsung Charge for review purposes but was not compensated for this post. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.