Playground Safety Concerns To Look Out For
Outdoor play equipment provides kids with hours of fun and engaging imaginative play. As you watch your kiddos play pirates and princesses, keep your eyes peeled for potential safety concerns. Make sure you know these playground safety concerns to look out for, so you can enjoy your family’s day at the park.
Wet Equipment
If you visit the playground shortly after it’s rained, the slide may be more slippery than usual. Avoid letting your kids loose on a jungle gym that’s still got little puddles in it. If the area isn’t too wet, wipe down slippery surfaces if you can. Slips and falls can cut your day at the park short.
Hard Surfaces
Avoid playgrounds without a cushiony “floor.” Asphalt, concrete, and even plain dirt can make falling off the jungle gym hurt! Play areas spread with soft mulch and wood chips are kinder on young bodies should they take a spill.
Rickety Supports
When kids run up, down, and around the jungle gym, does it shake at all? Handrails and ladders shouldn’t bend under the weight of a child playing. Say your young one climbs a shaky ladder and has a nasty fall. Whoever owns the playground (whether the city or a school) may be held liable if your child hurts themself on damaged equipment.
Rowdy Kids
Maybe your child has a regular friend group they play with at the playground—or maybe they meet new kids every time they come! As you watch your young one play, keep an eye on the other kids, too. Some may play a little rougher than others, and if they start pushing and shoving, it’s time to remove your child from that game.
Poor Maintenance
Check with the school or city that owns the playground and ensure that they maintain the area regularly. If you’ve noticed and reported a potential safety hazard, and it doesn’t get fixed promptly, find another playground to visit.
Keep the smiles up all day by making sure your local playground is safe for kids to use. Your eagle eye could protect the safety of not only your kids but others’ too. Remember these playground safety concerns to look out for next time you have a family day at the park!