The Ann Arbor Earth Day Festival Planning Committee invites all to celebrate our natural world at the annual Earth Day Festival on Sunday, April 23 from noon to 4 p.m., at Leslie Science & Nature Center located at 1831 Traver Road in Ann Arbor.

The Ann Arbor Earth Day Festival Planning Committee invites all to celebrate our natural world at the annual Earth Day Festival on Sunday, April 23 from noon to 4 p.m., at Leslie Science & Nature Center located at 1831 Traver Road in Ann Arbor.
Science is a tricky subject, but there are several different activities and experiments parents can do to get their children more involved and interested.
If science is your child’s favorite subject, teach them to follow this passion outside of school. Learn three ways to encourage your child’s love of science.
You want your children to love science but aren’t sure how to get them there. These creative ideas are perfect for learning at home and outside of class.
We Love FREE Family Friendly Events The Michigan Science Center is a hands-on museum that inspires curious minds of all ages to discover, explore and appreciate science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in a creative, dynamic learning environment. It’s a place we just love escaping to! The fun and hands-on experiences at the Michigan …
Science projects are one my favorite things to work on with my son. I have found that the secret to getting your child to WANT to do them is to let them pick the subject. We were asked to create a science project by Elmer’s. The only requirement was that we had to use an …