When you consider the top ten school supplies, you have to include children of all ages. This means that the list has to be definitive across the board.

When you consider the top ten school supplies, you have to include children of all ages. This means that the list has to be definitive across the board.
Many schools rely on donations to get the supplies they need. You can help out by knowing the most important school supplies you can donate.
If your child is planning on going back to school this fall, check out these back-to-school supplies for kids during COVID-19 to learn about the items they may need this year.
WHAT: Parents and teachers are gearing up for back-to-school and are looking for more ways to save on their school supply lists. This week, OfficeMax is giving teachers and parents a big break. Teachers will receive 25% OFF storewide with exclusive coupon during its “Thank You Teachers Event.” Parents and students will also save big with …
A few days ago I wrote about the wonderful opportunity I had to participate in the August Champion for Kids Simple Service Project called Bag It Forward, which was sponsored by Elmer’s. You can read that article here. The project involved purchasing back-to-school supplies for children and then donating them to the organization of my …
If you’re like me, you’ve already received a list of the supplies that your children are expected to bring to school this year. It seems like the list gets longer and longer each year – ours now includes housecleaning type items like paper towels. So the hunt begins to collect everything they need in time …