Top Fundraising Ideas for Elementary Schools

Top Fundraising Ideas for Elementary Schools

Fundraising has been a part of the school system for generations to raise money for various goals. Sometimes it’s to support underserved children; other times, it’s to help the school provide for the faculty, staff, and students. Here’s our list of the top fundraising ideas for elementary schools so you can determine what to do to keep the kids engaged.

Plan a Read-A-Thon

While in school, kids are always encouraged to read, but it takes a lot of work to get elementary children to do it consistently. Providing incentives, such as read-a-thons and book clubs, helps the students maintain their reading momentum by giving them a goal to reach.

When the Read-A-Thon is in full effect, parents will receive the school’s booklist for their children via mail or handout. Because each book has a valued monetary status, parents can make donations toward each book that the children want to read. Once the donation cycle is over, the school will use the money to purchase the list of books so the children can use them to supplement what they learn in class.

As the Read-A-Thon comes to an end, the students must finish as many books as they can from their selections. Upon completion of the Read-A-Thon, the class who read the most books receives a prize, such as a pizza party or field trip to somewhere the kids can enjoy as a reward for their scholarship.

Organize a School Concert

Every parent wants to hear about their child’s progress and what they have achieved at school. One way of making this happen is by organizing a school concert. When parents, family, and friends pay for admission, the proceeds will go towards school supplies and other items the kids need to thrive in their classrooms. A concert can also help clarify some common misconceptions about school fundraisers while bringing something fresh to the table.

Discount Cards for Shopping

Discount shopping appeals to many parents and adults, especially when shopping for their kids. The process is even easier when school fundraising produces items such as discount cards. They can use them when the kids need new clothes and supplies or want a little something for themselves. After all, when was the last time you and your spouse enjoyed a night out, alone or with friends?

Start a Shoe Drive

Kids are always growing out of their clothes and shoes. Encourage each student to donate their old shoes to a good cause by placing donation boxes outside every classroom and collecting them once daily or weekly. At the end of the shoe drive, sell the shoes to a third party and put the money towards student and schoolwide success.

These were just a few of our top fundraising ideas for elementary schools to get you engaged and on the right track when developing these programs. Success can be yours when you implement programs designed for the students, faculty, and staff’s well-being.

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Shannon Lazovski

Shannon is the Owner of Detroit Mommies and is a lifestyle blogger of 17 years. She is the CEO of The Lazov Agency, Glameselle Beauty, and the owner of and Shannon is also the Founder & President of The Glamorous Moms Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports women and children rebuilding their lives from poverty, illness, human trafficking, addiction, and domestic violence. She is big on spreading love to those who need it most and loves to connect with other parents.

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