3 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Your Toddler’s Clothes

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Your Toddler’s Clothes

Shopping for clothes is among the many tasks new parents must do when their child arrives. As their child grows, parents must keep shopping to provide their children with a fun and functional set of clothes, from jackets to shoes and beyond.

It’s easy to fall into a few bad habits when shopping for a kid’s attire, but you can overcome them with ease. Learn how to sidestep frustrating problems by reading these mistakes to avoid when shopping for your toddler’s clothes.

Looking Only at Shoe Size

One of the most important details when buying kids’ shoes is the size. As important as that detail is, it is just one on your checklist. Adults don’t really have to worry about their feet growing when they buy their own shoes.

Finding the Right Fit

This doesn’t mean you should buy extra-large shoes for your kids. In fact, this is one of the most common myths about toddler footwear. Your children simply need some extra room in the toe box, so press your thumb on the shoe to determine if it’s the right fit. In addition, have your child walk in the shoes to ensure they’re not so spacious that they become unstable.

Not Setting a Budget

Setting a budget may seem overzealous for this kind of shopping; you’re not investing in a home, after all. That said, it’s easy to go overboard when buying kids’ clothes. It’s understandable to want to stock up on many clothes to prepare, but you should focus on quality more than quantity. So, take time to set a budget in accordance with what you can spend.

Planning Ahead

You must account for how many clothes your kids need to be comfortable and appropriately dressed every day, whether at the park or at home. Making a budget and clothing checklist ensures you can get what you need without overstocking the closet or spending too much.

Ignoring a Site’s Reputation

A frustrating mistake to avoid when shopping for your toddler’s clothes is not looking closer at the website you’re browsing. This situation can be frustrating because you won’t realize something is wrong until the clothes arrive at your house.

Read the Reviews

So, take time to browse online reviews for websites and the products they sell to get a closer look. You can always ask fellow parents in your life what stores they shop at online. By avoiding this mistake and more when shopping, you can quickly find what you need to fill your kid’s closet with the best clothes.

Photos – Anastasia Shuraeva

Disclosure – This is a collaborative post and may contain affiliate links. By clicking and shopping, you help support Detroit Mommies and allow us to keep reporting on all things families love. 

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Shannon Lazovski

Shannon is the Owner of Detroit Mommies and is a lifestyle blogger of 17 years. She is the CEO of The Lazov Agency, Glameselle Beauty, and the owner of Glamorousmoms.com and Detroitfashionnews.com. Shannon is also the Founder & President of The Glamorous Moms Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports women and children rebuilding their lives from poverty, illness, human trafficking, addiction, and domestic violence. She is big on spreading love to those who need it most and loves to connect with other parents.

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