The Coolest Gift Ideas for Your 10-Year-Old

The Coolest Gift Ideas for Your 10-Year-Old

Ten is a great age. It’s the age when your kids are old enough to begin exploring their own interests and passions. If you’re looking for options that are outside the norm, check out these cool gift ideas for your 10-year-old kid.

A Polaroid Camera

A camera is a great gift for kids this age. Photography is a stunning art medium, and having their own camera allows your kiddo to explore it on their own terms. Even if they don’t have an artistic eye, you’ll still get a chance to see the world from their perspective when they show you the photos they’ve taken.

Plus, it gives them a great way to take photos of friends, family members, and pets that they will treasure forever.

A Great Set of Books

The right series will whisk your kid away into a fantasy world that they’ll fall in love with. One of the best children’s series in recent years is the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and its companion, The Heroes of Olympus. These compelling stories follow the protagonist, Percy Jackson, as he and his friends encounter the rich world of Greek mythology. Trust us; these novels are cult classics for a reason.

Other great options include Nancy Drew or The Hardy Boys for mystery lovers and Harry Potter for anyone really. If your kid isn’t a big reader, try a set of comic books or a couple of graphic novels. There’s something for everyone in the world of literature!

A Go-Kart

Go-karts are becoming ever more popular with older kids, making this one of the coolest gift ideas for your 10-year-old kid. There are plenty of reasons why your older kid will love a go-kart, but quality time with friends and the opportunity to race just like they do in Mario Kart are big ones.

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Shannon Lazovski

Shannon is the Owner of Detroit Mommies and is a lifestyle blogger of 17 years. She is the CEO of The Lazov Agency, Glameselle Beauty, and the owner of and Shannon is also the Founder & President of The Glamorous Moms Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports women and children rebuilding their lives from poverty, illness, human trafficking, addiction, and domestic violence. She is big on spreading love to those who need it most and loves to connect with other parents.

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