Tips for Being a Supportive Little League Parent
At every game they play, they need to know how much you’re rooting for them. You don’t have to shout and scream to show your pride. There are other ways to be a supportive little league parent and maintain your dignity.

Be Their Cheerleader
Remember that you are your child’s number-one sports fan. The best thing about being a little league parent is sitting on the sidelines and watching your child participate in a sport they love. You don’t have to go crazy and be that one screaming parent on the sidelines. For one thing, no one likes that parent, and for another, you’ll distract your child.
Your little superstar needs to focus on the game, their teammates, and any sort of guidance the coach is calling out. There are subtle ways to show your support so your child knows you’re rooting for them and you’re not being disruptive.
Consider wearing a personalized shirt and recruit some of your other family members to wear them too. Now your child has their own fan base.
Give Constructive Advice
Pay close attention to the game and see how your child plays and how they play with the rest of the team. Observing each game will help you point out the team’s strengths and weaknesses. Ask them at the end of each game where they felt like the team performed great and where they could use some improvement.
After you get their side, add on a few things you noticed and offer some suggestions to help them improve. You can even redo certain parts of the game so you can show them how they can do better next time.
Celebrate Wins and Losses
Celebrate the wins, but make sure you celebrate the losses too. You don’t want them to feel like a success only because they win a game. You want them to know that the effort they put into each game is worth celebrating.
Celebrating the losses also encourages them to try harder for the next game and strive for that win. You need to reward them for every moment on the team, and when you do this, you teach them about sportsmanship and good sportsmanlike conduct. Now you’ve got a professional ball player in the making.
Talk with the Coaches
The coaches run the team, so naturally, you need to communicate with them. Talk to them after games and check a couple of times a month after practices. You can hear firsthand from them about your child’s progress.
An open line of communication with the coaches shows that you’re invested in your child’s team, and you want them to get the most out of their experience. If your child has an issue and they don’t feel comfortable communicating with the coach, you do it for them. Make it seem like it was something you noticed to help relieve some of the pressure.
The success of your little league player depends on how well they play but also on how much of a supportive parent you are with them.