
Things To Consider When Teaching Kids About Bees

Things To Consider When Teaching Kids About Bees

One of the great joys of parenting is the opportunity to introduce your child to all the wonders found in nature. Seeing their eyes light up with curiosity and fascination, watching as they develop their own distinct hobbies and interests—what more could a parent ask for?

Bees especially can capture a child’s imagination. Melittology, or the study of bees, presents an endlessly interesting rabbit hole of remarkable facts about bee intelligence and survival techniques. If you think this might interest your child, here are things to consider when teaching kids about bees.

Do Not Make Them Scary

Since bees can sting, there is a good chance your child may be afraid of them at first. While you should explain the dangers of bees, including their stingers and possible allergic reactions, do not make them out to be monsters. Hopefully, an introduction to bees can be an exciting conversation for your child, one that ignites their dreams rather than gives them nightmares.

Keep It Simple

For thousands of years, humans have kept and studied bees. As a result, we now have long, dense reserves of knowledge about the subject. But it is best not to bog your child down in the details. Avoid descriptions of scientific experiments or convoluted jargon, as that will only serve to confuse your child and potentially disengage their interest forever. Focus instead on simple, fun facts. For instance, did you know bees can fly over five miles for pollen?

Turn the Conversation Into a Game

Kids can get very competitive and often have fun with games that challenge their memory. When you think about the things to consider when teaching kids about bees, take some time to devise a trivia game that will help them retain the information. Maybe you give your child a piece of candy for every bee-related question they answer correctly, or perhaps they advance one level in Around the World every time they remember a fact and score a basket.

Incorporate Visuals

Most kids benefit from visual aids. If you can, provide photographs or videos that help illustrate your points when talking to your kids about bees. If there is a beehive near where you live and your child is not too frightened, it could be fun to stand at a safe distance to watch the bees at work. Better yet, if you are a beekeeper or know any beekeepers, suiting up and examining a colony with your child could be an amazing experience for you both.

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Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee, the Detroit Mommies Lifestyle & Parenting Contributing Expert is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things home, lifestyle, and parenting. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

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