Getting sick while on vacation can be tough. As the kids’ immune system is still developing, they are more vulnerable to illnesses
such as diarrhea and infections then adults. Detroit Mommies offers advice on how to stay healthy when traveling.

Getting sick while on vacation can be tough. As the kids’ immune system is still developing, they are more vulnerable to illnesses
such as diarrhea and infections then adults. Detroit Mommies offers advice on how to stay healthy when traveling.
This shop has been compensated by #CollectiveBias and its advertisers #GiveAShot . All opinions are mine alone. The summer days are starting to dwindle and the beginning of school is just around the corner. While we have had a great summer so far, it seems like it went by way too fast. We recently …
If you’re looking for a fun way to convince your kids (and yourself) to get vaccinated against the flu this year, here is your chance! Families Fighting Flu, Visiting Nurse Associations of America and The Clorox Company have teamed up to help you keep your family protected from the flu. Detroit-area residents are invited to educate (and …
Moms and Dads all over the counrty are asking themselves the same question, “Is it safe to get my child(ren) vaccinated for the H1N1 Virus?” The importance of collecting facts is crucial and here at DetroitMommies, we want to provide you with as much information to aid you in your decision making process. Here is a link to …
The Oakland County Health Division is asking school districts to remind parents that controlling the spread of seasonal flu is just as important as controlling the spread of the H1N1 flu. Oakland County is still waiting for word about the availability of the H1N1 vaccination, but are encouraging individuals to be vaccinated against seasonal flu …