Halloween Workout

Spooky Halloween Workout

  Directions – This is a Tabata workout: 20 seconds of a very high intensity exercise (e.g., sprints, burpees, squat jumps, etc.) followed by 10 seconds of rest.  Repeat exercises A. and B. 4 times each for a total of 4 minutes per set.  Set 1  A. Mountain climbers B. Dead bugs   Set 2  A. Runners lunge B. Spider pushups   …

Making Time to Exercise

Let’s Work Out the Tabata Way The age-old question “When do you find time to workout?”  Well, ladies the answer is really quite simple I make the time!  Over the years my husband and I have had a pretty good system in place I would get my workouts in while everyone still slept (5:30am-6:30am)!  However, …