Mom Hacks that Make the Baseball Season Easier

Mom Hacks that Make the Baseball Season Easier

By the time the first toss happens in a youth baseball game, you may already want to pull your hair out from all the stress. From getting their uniform ready to ensuring they have their favorite drink during the game, using these mom hacks that make the baseball season easier helps relieve your stress.

Seperate Practice and Game Clothes

There will be garments to clean between all the games and practices during the season. Separating practice and gameday clothing helps to minimize the number of loads you’ll need to do.

After each game, have your child throw gameday garb in a separate hamper or bag. Doing this allows you to grab it, wash it, and put everything back so that it’s ready for the next game. There will be no whining about missing socks.

Learn the Player’s Names

Cheering along makes the games more exciting and enjoyable. However, only rooting for your child by their name may not feel inclusive. Rather than shouting out your kid’s teammate’s numbers, learn their names and cheer them on as if they were your kin.

Your cheerful demeanor may inspire them to do special things on the field because they feel noticed and appreciated. This is especially vital for children who may not have a parent in attendance.

Don’t Record Everything

Ideally, you want to be your child’s videographer for their sports career. But sometimes, it’s better to live in the moment instead of watching through the scope of a lens. Trying to get that perfect angle takes away from the game and moment if they do something special, like smacking their first career home run.

Furthermore, recording every at-bat will leave you with a cornucopia of clips that show you absolutely nothing. Nothing is exciting about a four-pitch walk, so what’s the purpose of recording that? Save your amateur cinematographer skills when the moment requires it. And don’t forget to erase it if it doesn’t turn out so well.

Buy in Bulk

Making a quick stop at the gas station for a sports drink after the game isn’t too bad when you only do it once. Although, it would be way easier if you had a supply at home. Buying in bulk helps cut your store visits down and erases the risk of running out of time on the way to the park. Whether it’s a drink or snack, having stock of your kid’s favorites for the baseball season will save you time and money in the long run.

Freeze Water Bottles

Hydration is of the utmost importance during hot, humid games. You can give them a water bottle fresh from the fridge, and it will be warm by the time they empty their equipment bag. The best strategy is to throw a water bottle in the freezer before bringing it to the game. It will taste better, and it’s useful for wiping their brow.

These mom hacks that make the baseball season easier will help your little athletes as much as they help you. So, if you haven’t utilized these ideas in your gameday routine, it’s time to make things simpler and enjoy the ups and downs of an exciting season.

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Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee, the Detroit Mommies Lifestyle & Parenting Contributing Expert is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things home, lifestyle, and parenting. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

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