What to Avoid When Redecorating Your Child’s Room

What to Avoid When Redecorating Your Child’s Room

Redecorating your child’s room is an exciting task. With this excitement, it can be easy to overlook a few variables within the room. Use these helpful tips on what to avoid when redecorating your child’s room. Contribute to a peaceful and calming atmosphere while creating a fun, new room.

Harsh Lights

It’s no secret that harsh, bright lights can change the way a space feels. Not only can harsh light contribute to headaches and mood changes, but it affects sleep as well. If your child plays in their room often, make the switch to LED lighting. It mimics natural sunlight more than incandescent bulbs do. When it’s the end of the day and the lights are off, your child’s brain will be able to rest easier.


Clutter in a space prevents more play areas for your child. If the furniture is cluttering the area, consider cutting back on some pieces or moving them to other parts of the home. Toys can create clutter as well. In fact, too many toys overwhelm a child. They may not know what to play with next and seem disinterested in their toys. Spend some time organizing your child’s favorite toys in baskets, shelving, or bins within the room.

Overstimulating Colors

It’s a fun process to pick out new colors for your child’s room. If you want a whimsical or modern theme, you may be drawn to bright pops of color. If this is the case, try to limit just how many colors you add. Too many bright colors, whether in accessories or on the walls, can overwhelm and overstimulate the child’s mind. If you desire colors that promote activity but don’t want to overstimulate, choose an accent wall for the room. Paint it the desired color or choose a bright wallpaper. The possibilities are endless!

Create a beautiful space for your little one by following our tips on what to avoid and what to consider when redecorating your child’s room. These ideas will point you in the right direction.

Photo – Victoria Borodinova

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Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee, the Detroit Mommies Lifestyle & Parenting Contributing Expert is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things home, lifestyle, and parenting. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

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