
5 Tips for Designing a Stimulating Nursery

5 Tips for Designing a Stimulating Nursery

The first year of your new baby’s life is crucial to their overall growth. During this stage of life, it’s vital to provide enough stimulation to help encourage your newborn’s brain so that they develop strong cognitive functions. Most mothers accomplish this through frequent play and communication, but are there other ways to engage your infant?

While your baby might sleep with you initially, they will likely move to their own nursery room somewhere down the line. Use this space to your advantage by creating an area that encourages learning and development. Here are five tips for designing a stimulating nursery.

Consider Color

The first thing you’ll want to add to your baby’s room is a variety of hues. An exposure to color strengthens an infant’s visual capabilities and helps them learn how to differentiate between shades.

Paint the Walls

You can do this by painting an accent wall a vibrant yellow or using bedding with a bold pattern. Keep décor in mind and decorate the walls with cute images that inspire curiosity.

Incorporate Texture

When you’re designing a stimulating nursery for your newborn, you want to remember all of the senses. Cover their sense of touch by incorporating various textures into their room décor.

Have Variety

Fluffy rugs and soft blankets will soothe your child, and materials like leather and wood make things interesting. The more texture you include, the more your child’s world expands.

Include Sound

Now that we’ve covered sight and touch, you also want to include sound to create a stimulating environment. You can do this in many ways, like using a musical mobile or a sound machine.

Don’t Forget Toys

Musical toys that light up and dance are always a favorite among little ones. You might even consider buying toy instruments to expose your baby to all of the beautiful sounds the world has to offer.

Remember Organization

It’s possible to overindulge in sensory experiences. Too much clutter can lead to a stressful environment that can overstimulate your infant and cause more harm than good.

Use Storage Tools

Avoid this problem by making organization a priority. Install shelves and drawers to create enough space to store all of your child’s essential items so their nursery remains calm and nurturing.

Encourage Sleep

Now that the nursery is stimulating and organized, the last thing you’ll need to keep in mind is sleep. Your baby needs enough rest to recover from all of the learning and interaction they encounter daily.

Invest in Nursery Accessories

Purchase cozy crib bedding to encourage your child to sleep peacefully. You may also think about getting blackout curtains to prevent sunlight from waking up your infant too early. Creating a stimulating nursery involves ensuring they can process their environment, which usually occurs during slumber.

Every mother wants to do what is best for their kids. Now that you know how important creating a stimulating environment is to your baby’s development, you can start incorporating things into their nursery’s design that will encourage them to learn and grow.

Photo – Pavel Danilyuk

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Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee, the Detroit Mommies Lifestyle & Parenting Contributing Expert is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things home, lifestyle, and parenting. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

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