Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship With Your Child

Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship With Your Child

Love goes beyond words, and it’s the main ingredient in any healthy relationship. Building a strong bond with your child takes a lot of work. Regardless of your child’s age, you have to set aside time for bonding and keep communication open. After reading these tips for building a healthy relationship with your child, you’ll be on the road to success!

Keep Communication Open

Communication goes two ways, and by keeping it open, you allow your child to voice their opinion. Knowing they’re heard is important to a child’s development. Open communication also allows children to have their feelings validated. If your child’s upset, they know they can tell you because you have created a sense of trust with one another. Sometimes, you may have to make compromises with your child to come to an understanding.

With communication comes understanding and encouragement. For example, dealing with arguments becomes easier when you practice healthy communication. Likewise, your child will have an easier time understanding the household rules.

Make Time to Play Together

Share your child’s interest. When it comes to playtime, get down on their level and explore an imaginary world with them! Make sure you regularly set aside time in the day for bonding activities. There are many advantages of family bonding time, including better stress management skills. If you’re looking for ideas, try the following:

  • Family game night
  • Baking together
  • Backyard camping

The activity you do as a family is up to you and your interests. Some families love going on picnics, but others prefer crafting together. What’s important is you pick the activity as a group, so everyone’s happy.

Build a Strong Foundation

Starting with a strong foundation is another tip for building a healthy relationship with your child. Connections start at birth. If you recently had a baby, take time to cuddle and play together—family is forever, after all. Every relationship takes work, so you may have to sacrifice me-time to focus on your child. Remind your little one they can always count on you for love and support.

Pro Parenting Tip

Parenting is no easy journey—sometimes, kids have some unpleasant attitudes. Remember that your child isn’t their behavior, so keep the two separate. If your child misbehaves, explain why that’s inappropriate to make the experience positive. Rules and clarity will create a strong foundation.

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Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee, the Detroit Mommies Lifestyle & Parenting Contributing Expert is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things home, lifestyle, and parenting. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

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