Are you a parent looking for ways to help build your child’s confidence? You’ve come to the right place. Detroit Mommies has a few excellent ideas to help.

Are you a parent looking for ways to help build your child’s confidence? You’ve come to the right place. Detroit Mommies has a few excellent ideas to help.
What to Do When Elderly Parents Become Unwell If you have children of your own and your elderly parents become unwell, then this can be quite a lot for you to manage, both practically and emotionally. The actions you will need to take will depend on how serious the situation is. If one of your …
Gearapalooza: The Ultimate Baby Gear and Registry is Here! Gearapalooza: The Ultimate Baby Gear and Registry event will be held September 25, 2018 from 5:30-9:00 pm in Birmingham, Mi will offer time to meet with the best baby brands, a keynote address on gear, usage and safety from The BabyGuyNYC, a HUGE gift bag …
If you are a parent of a toddler than you know just going to the store with a toddler in tow can be difficult at times. The entire trip can depend on their mood, lack of sleep or their need for mealtime. For some moms, experiencing a tantrum in aisle two with their toddler happens …
2. Date Night– Date the heck out of your spouse. Go to movies, out to dinner at fancy restaurant, go to a concert, ect. Just do as much together because once baby comes, alone time is very limited. Finding a person you trust ahead of time that can watch your children is also a must. …