Spring Trends for Easter

Spring Trends for Mom

10 Spring Trends and What to Wear this Season Spring is here and Summer is right around the corner. We can now take off the heavy layers and dress in pretty fabrics and colors Moms, you’re done worrying about everyone else first, make the time to plan your hair, makeup, and Spring outfit ahead of …

Hot Workout Wear for 2017

  One of my treasured realizations as of late has been that if I make it a priority to wear workout clothes, I will exercise. I have found that fitness wear speaks to my heart about the importance of self-care. It’s like I’m wearing a sign that says, exercise, fitness and health are a priority …

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers

If you are a parent of a toddler than you know just going to the store with a toddler in tow can be difficult at times.  The entire trip can depend on their mood, lack of sleep or their need for mealtime. For some moms, experiencing a tantrum in aisle two with their toddler happens …