Detroit Mommies shares a list of February online events offered by the Detroit Institute of Arts during Black History Month.

Detroit Mommies shares a list of February online events offered by the Detroit Institute of Arts during Black History Month.
50 Family-Friendly Things to Do in Michigan Michigan sure is a beautiful state and its even more beautiful during the Summer months. We have a place no one else has and it’s called “up north”. It’s a location we visit to get away from it all. One that gives us relaxation, fun, and leisure. Aside …
This January includes the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Detroit Film Theatre, programming in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, music, drop-in workshops and more at the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA). Make sure to visit our exhibitions: Let Me Show You What I Saw: American Views on City and County, 1912–1963; Balance of Power: …
Put on your bicycle best and join a pedal-powered tour of 14 reproductions of paintings from the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) on Saturday, Aug. 13. The tour is part of the DIA’s Inside|Out program, which brings life-sized reproductions of paintings from the DIA’s collection to outdoor locations throughout greater metro Detroit. This year’s program …
Outdoor animated films are the perfect way for families to enjoy a summer evening and the Detroit Institute of Arts is making that happen on Saturday, Aug. 13 at Stony Creek Metro Park.
All I can remember from my trip to the Detroit Institute of Arts as a little girl is being bored. I was being led around the place by teachers who were trying to drive home points about artists I barely knew. But a recent trip left me feeling like the museum is really reaching out to us and making the experience fantastic for individuals, families and even children.