Detroit Mommies

10 Habits for a Healthy, Happy Mom

Follow These Guidelines to Keep the Mom in You Healthy and Happy It’s true, as Moms we can get stuck in our groove and at times can get lost in our own worlds. For the most part, that’s okay but when our mood and mental health start to become challenged by our own habits, it’s …

Gabriella's Celebration KIDSgala

KIDSgala Creates Memorable Celebrations for Children

Let’s Celebrate a Child Today! Have you ever wondered who those people are that help local children in need and make their dreams come true?  The KIDSgala group here in Michigan are those special people and I can’t wait to share the story of how they got started. In 2009, Emerald City Designs business owner, …

Top 5 Back to School Stressors and How to Bust Them

Top 5 Back to School Stressors and How to Bust Them For some, going back to school can be stressful.  Children sometimes worry about the workload, peer pressure, the schedule and they may have some social anxieties.  This typically holds true when they are the new kid in the neighborhood or are starting a new …

8 Water Safety Tips that Could Save Your Child’s Life

Two of my worst fears as a parent include my children drowning or being hit by a car in a parking lot. I’ll never forget the time my daughters and I were walking through a Chick-fil-a parking lot and a car almost backed into my daughters. Luckily, I always make them hold my hands , …

Royal Oak Public Library Happenings

Royal Oak Public Library has many exciting activities for you and your family to participate in. I have highlighted a few here, however please visit their web site and check it out! January Youth Story Times – Rock-A-Bye Baby (Ages 6 – 18 months) Mondays 6:30pm January 21, 28 – Toddler Story Times (Ages 18 …

Taking the “Picky” out of your Picky Eater

If you have children, most likely you have at least one picky eater in the bunch or maybe your only child is a picky eater. Whatever your situation this can definitely become stressful not only for the parent, but for the child as well. We worry that our children will not grow and develop properly …