pencil cake

DIY: Back-to-School Pencil Cake

Make a Back-To-School Pencil Cake This cake is made of all those school supplies every one is running around stocking up on before school starts. I made a few adjustments based on what supplies I had around the house.  For instance the original “recipe” I found called for a Styrofoam center, but since I didn’t …

Halloween Inspired Snack Pack pudding cups. #MixInMonsterMash

Halloween Themed Pudding Cups

Halloween Themed Pudding Cups What kid, or adult for that matter, doesn’t enjoy fun food for Halloween? It makes the holiday that much more special.  We recently spent an afternoon decorating  Snack  Pack pudding cups for Halloween.  Some of the kids jumped in to help with the decorating. You could say we all went a …


Hashbrown Cups with Egg and Cheese

Hashbrown Cups with Egg and Cheese I’m about to share a very easy and yummy breakfast treat the whole family can enjoy. Do you love eggs? Hashbrowns? And, how about cheese? One hashbrown cup is a single breakfast serving with all of your favorite morning ingredients. This is especially nice for family members on the …


#StayAtHome and Make Doughnuts

#StayAtHome and Make Doughnuts Staying at home during COVID-19 has really been an eye-opener. One thing the #StayAtHome order has done, other than scared us, worry us, and keep us home from work and school, is it has taught us to find new hobbies. One good thing is many of us are becoming better at …