How to Manage Life with Multiple Dogs in a Small House

How to Manage Life with Multiple Dogs in a Small House

Living in a quaint house with two or more dogs can be a delightful yet challenging endeavor, especially when you have young children. It may feel like your furry friends are conquering every inch of space!

There is a way to manage life with multiple dogs in a small house. All you need are the right tips to guide you through the process.

Provide Each Pup with Enough Toys and Attention

Dogs are bundles of energy! They thrive on entertainment and attention. Boredom can lead to destructive behavior.

Take the dogs for individual walks, when possible. Rotate the toys every few days so they pique their interest. And finally, don’t forget to give each pup affection with belly scratches and treats so they feel extra satisfied.

Maintain a Routine for Your Dogs

Maintaining a consistent routine is vital when living with multiple dogs. This routine should include feeding, walking, and going to bed at roughly the same time each day.

By providing a predictable routine, your dogs will have a clear understanding of what to expect throughout the day. This expectation helps to reduce their likelihood of becoming restless or causing chaos within the household.

Keep the House Clean

A spotless house isn’t realistic when you have busy schedules and children and dogs scurrying around. However, daily clutter control must become paramount, as items left lying around can quickly become chew toys or tripping hazards.

Take a few minutes each day to walk through the house and pick up any misplaced objects. Store dog toys in designated baskets or bins and instruct your dogs to retrieve and return their toys there. You can even teach the kids the importance of picking up their toys and snacks to alleviate some of the pressure on yourself. You’ll create a safer and more harmonious living environment for everyone by keeping the house picked up.

Clean to Reduce Pet Smells

It’s inevitable for unfavorable smells to accumulate when you have multiple dogs in a small house. A way to manage this is to deep clean various items often.

Vacuum and mop the floors once a week. Bathe your dogs at least once a month. Try using a pet-safe fabric cleaner to cleanse the sofa and the dog beds if the smell seems to linger.

Arrange a Comfortable Place for Your Dogs to Sleep

It may seem impossible to accommodate a spacious sleeping area for your dogs. Dogs require their own territory—a safe space where they can unwind, rest, and get a peaceful night’s sleep. Keep in mind the reasons to never crate your dogs together, and find alternative solutions.

Choose a room that’s away from the hustle and bustle of daily activities. Perhaps the dining room or the guest bedroom will serve as an adequate and quiet space where your dogs can sleep comfortably. You can leave the crates up and out of the way during the day or store their beds in a closet or storage container until it’s time to sleep.

You adore your four-legged friends! They’re members of your beautiful family. Just remember that thoroughly caring for your dogs is more important than ever when you’re working with a limited amount of space.

Photo – Yaroslav Shuraev

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Shannon Lazovski

Shannon is the Owner of Detroit Mommies and is a lifestyle blogger of 17 years. She is the CEO of The Lazov Agency, Glameselle Beauty, and the owner of and Shannon is also the Founder & President of The Glamorous Moms Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports women and children rebuilding their lives from poverty, illness, human trafficking, addiction, and domestic violence. She is big on spreading love to those who need it most and loves to connect with other parents.

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