Ideas to Help a Neighborhood Create a Sense of Community
When a community is well-established, it’s easy for new people to move in without noticing them or for you to become set in routines and forget you live in a neighborhood, not just in your house. The same issues arise in relatively new neighborhoods where everyone is busy getting settled; meeting others is low on the list of priorities. Let’s look at some ideas to help your neighborhood create a sense of community. You may find you can implement one or two in your area!

Form a Welcoming Committee
A welcoming committee keeps track of who is new to a neighborhood and makes sure they are greeted. The committee might do the following:
- Bring a gift basket with samples and information from local businesses.
- Offer contact information of nearby residents.
- Invite the new neighbors to a welcoming get-together.
- Throw a block party a few times a year in honor of new residents.
You can make new people feel comfortable and at home in your neighborhood in many creative ways.
Spend Time Outside
Spending time outside is one of the best ways to create a sense of community in your neighborhood. If you’re always holed up inside, it’s nearly impossible to know who your neighbors are. Doing yard work, sitting on the porch, and taking walks are great ways to get a chance to meet neighbors you didn’t know lived in your very own community.
Neighborhood Parks
Sometimes, a developer will include a park when designing the neighborhood. If yours doesn’t have one, it isn’t too late to suggest it! It would take some time and negotiations with the city, but it’s always possible.
Parks should include areas for sitting and chatting and places for children to play, such as a playground. When getting the neighborhood and city on board with the idea, keep in mind the cost for a park. It’s important to know how often to replace playground equipment and perform lawn maintenance in order to keep the park looking nice. Prepare to answer questions about how much this project will cost.
Shop Local
It’s always a good idea to shop locally, especially when trying to create a sense of community. As you get to know local business owners, you can offer new residents advice on where to go and which businesses are best. You may even find your neighbor works at a local shop and you had no idea!
A sense of community is important for any neighborhood. It’s never too late to form that circle of local people!