Tips for Preparing Your Child for Their First Dentist Trip

Tips for Preparing Your Child for Their First Dentist Trip

It’s common for adults and children alike to feel nervous before going to the dentist. However, while most grown-ups can handle the stress, kids are more likely to seriously struggle whenever it’s time for their regular checkups.

If your little one is nervous before their first trip to the dentist, there are a few things you can do to cheer them up and help them feel more confident on the day of. Make the experience positive with these tips for preparing your child for their first dentist trip.

Talk About It Ahead of Time

You don’t want your child to feel anxious for weeks leading up to their dentist appointment. However, talking about the experience ahead of time gives your kid a chance to ask questions and learn more. Take the time to explain what a visit to the dentist is like and what will happen while you’re there.

For younger kids, this is also a good opportunity to help your child get comfortable by playing dentist at home or reading books about going to the dentist.

Use Positive Words

Children can pick up nerves or stress from their parents. If you act worried about going to see the dentist, your kid will notice and feel the same way. When you talk about the dentist, avoid scary or negative concepts like shots or needles—especially if you’re just going for a regular appointment. When you’re upbeat and positive about the dentist, your child will adopt the same attitude.

Find a Dentist You Trust

Preparing your child for their first dentist trip is easier when you have a dentist you can trust. Finding a good family dentist is the key to helping yourself and your kids feel more comfortable about their visits. Take the time to ask around and get recommendations from friends and other parents in your area.

If possible, see if you can schedule a consultation where the whole family can meet your dentist before your actual appointment. This gives your kids a chance to say hello, see where their appointment will take place, and get to know the dentist so they’re not meeting with a stranger during their first visit.

Photo – MM Dental

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Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee, the Detroit Mommies Lifestyle & Parenting Contributing Expert is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things home, lifestyle, and parenting. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

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