Reasons to Hire a Lactation Consultant After Giving Birth
After finding out you are expecting, you may have many questions and worries both about your pregnancy and your child’s birth. If you choose to breastfeed, support is one of the most crucial elements to your success. Whether you are a first-time mom or the first in your family to attempt breastfeeding, you may need additional support. If you want more than just answers—someone to guide you through the process of breastfeeding—then you can hire a lactation consultant after giving birth.

You Have Problems Nursing
A lactation consultant can help when you are having problems breastfeeding. Here are some signs that you may need some extra support:
- Your baby is latched on but not drinking effectively.
- Your milk supply is low despite frequent breastfeeding sessions and pumping.
- Your breastfeeding sessions are painful.
If any of these situations sound familiar, don’t worry! A lactation consultant can work with you to get past these hurdles so both mother and child can enjoy healthy breastfeeding sessions together. You can find lactation consultants through local hospitals or by searching online for a certified International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) near you.
You Are a Mom of Multiples
If you are expecting multiples, you may not know what to expect when feeding. It is possible to nurse more than one child at a time successfully. Not only will a lactation consultant have the training necessary to keep your babies healthy, but they may also help with problems such as low supply and colic.
Your Baby Has a Feeding Problem
Your baby will not gain the weight they need if you have ongoing issues with feeding. If this goes on for too long, it can have severe consequences for the baby’s health.
If your baby is not latching on correctly or sucking properly, they may be having trouble feeding and may need help from a lactation consultant specializing in this area. These consultants have the tools and testing procedures to diagnose issues that can then be resolved by your pediatrician and lead to successful nursing.
You Have Pain When Breastfeeding
Experiencing pain during breastfeeding can signal that something is wrong and is a reason to hire a lactation consultant immediately. Pain can be caused by a poor latch, incorrect sucking, a blocked milk duct, or mastitis (a breast infection), which requires treatment from your doctor.
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor immediately, and they can provide recommendations for consultants in your area.
You Need Help Introducing Bottles or Pacifiers
If you plan to introduce bottles and pacifiers, you should discuss this with a lactation consultant first. Pacifier use can decrease milk production and increase nipple confusion. A consultant will work to ensure that this transition is successful.
Find Your Support
If you’re having trouble breastfeeding or planning on breastfeeding twins, triplets, or multiple kiddos at once, don’t be afraid to ask for help. A lactation consultant can provide the guidance and support you need for a successful breastfeeding experience.
Photo – Helena Jankovičová Kováčová