Tips and Tricks to Reconnect with Your Teenagers
Are you having trouble relating to the teenager in your life? They’re not just kids anymore, meaning it’s essential that you need to change the way you speak to and engage your teenager if you want to reconnect with them. Maintain your relationship with your older children by following these tips and tricks.

Listen to Music Together
There may be a generational divide when it comes to music, but this does not mean you shouldn’t make an effort. Most teenagers love music, and when you show interest in their songs, you create a space to discuss other things and learn more about their life.
When you’re on a drive with them, consider letting them put on their playlist or asking them to play their favorite song. Listen to the lyrics closely and ask them why they love the song so much or the musician. This effort is about liking their music, but more so about watching their emotions.
Take it a step further and look for local shows you can attend together. Encourage them to invite some friends along and show them you genuinely take an interest in their lives and who they spend time with.
Go on an Adventure
As a mom and a teenager, you both have a lot going on. Sometimes to reconnect with each other, you need to eliminate all the distractions. Take a trip somewhere together. You get a chance to explore and embark on a new adventure, which will guarantee the creation of some new memories.
Instead of flying out somewhere, consider organizing a family road trip together. During the hours you spend driving, you can bond, laugh, and talk openly. Narrow down some places they want to visit and see what activities they want to do.
Recognize Their Individuality
As teenagers, your kids are on their way to becoming adults. Recognize this and embrace your child’s individuality. When you acknowledge who they are as people, you help them discover who they want to be.
A teen you allow to express themselves will feel more comfortable coming to you for advice, bringing back that dynamic of closeness. Take an interest in their hobbies and the activities that bring them joy. You’ll be surprised at some of the conversations they start with you!
Talk Without the Parent-Child Barrier
You are always their parent first, but this does not mean you can’t be their friend. As their mother, you just might be the best friend they will ever have. You are someone they can always depend on, and you will never judge them.
Remind them they can come to you with any issue or victory they wish to share. Take note of all the little advancements and changes in their life and remind them that you are proud of who they’re becoming.
All you need to do is make an honest effort if you want to reconnect with your teenager. You’ll be on the path to success.
Photo – Elina Fairytale