10 Ways to Be a Stylish Mom
Motherhood changes our lives in so many ways. A mother-to-be spends approximately seven months wearing maternity clothes and undergarments that allow room for growth and provide comfort. It’s only the first couple months of pregnancy that a new mom can continue to wear her own clothes before her stylish favorites start getting too tight and uncomfortable.
Maternity clothes can be pretty and stylish too but let’s face it, they are temporary. Once the baby is born, many of us moms are eager to get back into our old clothes and shop for regular items again outside of the maternity clothing stores.
Are you a new mom looking to be that stylish woman you were before baby? Here are ten ways to be a stylish mom. You’ve got this!

10 Ways to Be a Stylish Mom
Choose Clothes in the Correct Size
It’s true for many moms, even though we may go back to our original size after having a baby after some time, clothes don’t seem to fit exactly the same. Maybe your hips are wider, or your bust is larger. This could be true even if you are back to your original size 6. If it is, you’ll notice clothes may look and fit just a tad differently after childbirth. In reality, new moms don’t typically go back to their original weight right away. It may take up to a year to lose that baby fat so be sure to buy clothes according to your current size, not the size you were pre-pregnancy (clothes may be too tight) and not the size you were during pregnancy (clothes may be too big).
Whether it’s a matching set or a little black dress, it’s important to wear clothes that are the correct size. If you’re on a budget, try tailoring some of the clothes in your closet to fit the new you just right. Wearing clothes that are a perfect fit will help you feel good and look good!
Prepare Outfits in Advance
Immediately after having a baby, our bodies change daily. If you are heading to lunch with friends or have to get back into an in-person work schedule, plan your outfits the night before to eliminate stress the day of your event or workday. Another great idea is to keep your favorite clothing items for a later date. Go through your closet and try on your favorite pieces. Hang or place them in a designated place in your closet (preferably in the back) to try on at a later date. If they don’t fit now, they may fit in a few months. For the items of clothing that do fit, put those upfront and center for a quick grab if you don’t have time to lay out your outfits the night before. Be patient with yourself. You just had a baby!
Embrace Your Curves
As a new mom, you may realize you have more curves now than before. If you’re nursing, you may be experiencing a larger bust size. Or, your hips may be a tad wider than before. I even noticed my feet were a 1/2 size bigger after I had my daughter. That’s the beauty of being a woman and a new mommy! It’s a miracle how our bodies adjust to motherhood. Embrace your curves and be sure to avoid baggy clothes. As mentioned above, wearing clothes that are a perfect fit will help you look good and when you look good, you feel good! Choose items that accentuate your curves not hide them. You are a glamorous and beautiful mom. EMBRACE it!
Choose Cotton or Organic Fabrics
Let’s face it, wearing fabrics and clothes that don’t “give” are too damn uncomfortable post-pregnancy. If you like to be comfortable (and who doesn’t?), wear clothing made of pure cotton and organic fabrics. Not only will the fit be better but your skin will be able to breathe too.
Keep Those Heels
Anyone that knows me, knows I’m a big heel fan. I wore them during pregnancy (a lower heel of course) and I wore them immediately after. My kids are teens now and I still wear heels today. Heels don’t always fit the busy lifestyle of a new mom but don’t you still want to go out to dinner, go to a wedding, attend a shower or have a girl’s night out? Of course, you do! Let’s face it, when it’s time to dress up, heels can really kick up that special outfit! So, keep the heels!
Accessorize Your Outfit
Whether you are dressing up or dressing down, accessories can still make you feel a little extra pretty. Wearing jeans and a t-shirt? How about a statement necklace to top it off? Wearing yoga pants and a cute yoga top? Wear your favorite yoga beads on your wrist. Is today a casual dress day? Wear a pretty statement earring and put your hair behind your ears. The point is to wear an outfit that is comfortable yes, but well thought out and the right accessories can help give you a more polished look.
Manicure and Pedicure
Now I know the new moms out there are cursing me out right about now saying, “Who has time for manicures and pedicures?” Well, you do! I’m a mom too so I get putting your baby before your own needs and forgetting about yourself from time to time. My best advice is don’t do it! Schedule in those manicures and pedicures. The massages alone will be much needed to help ease your new mom stresses and to help circulate blood flow. And, pretty finished nails on both fingers and toes will help you feel pretty too! Make that appointment, mommy. You deserve it!
As women, when we go through emotional and physical changes many of us see changes in our skin as well. This is especially true during pregnancy and post-pregnancy due to hormonal changes in our bodies. If you just had a baby, be sure to continue taking care of your skin. Basic skin care and sticking to a daily regimen will help your skin get back on track. Some women have a fuller face and a beautiful, natural glow but other new moms may experience puffy eyes, dark circles, acne, and changes in pigmentation. Skin problems that occur right after pregnancy can be managed by using a good cleanser, eye cream, and daily & nighttime moisturizers. If you have deep concerns, be sure to make an appointment with a doctor for proper skincare tips based on your needs. Having healthy, beautiful skin will help you feel good about yourself and look good when facing the world and posing for photos with your new little angel.
Apply Makeup
Yes, I’m encouraging makeup. Whether you are a full-face application kind of girl or you just prefer concealer and a good lipstick, I say do it! Don’t worry about being perfect or being on point with the current makeup trends if you don’t feel you have the time. But do spend an extra few minutes on yourself by applying your favorite products. The point is to look and feel your absolute best with a polished look that suits YOU and your lifestyle. This article is all about how to look stylish and feel good about yourself after childbirth and if you are wearing stylish clothes and doing your best to put yourself together, adding a little makeup will help finish your look.
Update Your Hairstyle
I know, I know, a good hair bun is the only style you’re interested in right now after having a baby. I get it! I really do! But after becoming a mom, we must make the extra effort to bring back that girl we used to know. Get a good trim or refresh your color when you can. Having healthy, nice hair is definitely a part of feeling good about yourself. Make the appointment and choose a hairstyle that makes you feel great!