guests bringing their presents for the celebrant

Ways To Make Your Child’s Birthday Extra Special

Ways To Make Your Child’s Birthday Extra Special

There’s one day each year that’s arguably more special than the rest: no, it isn’t Christmas or the Fourth of July. It’s the day your precious bundle of joy came into the world. Most adults consider birthdays mundane, but they are something profoundly magical for kids.

Every parent wants their child to feel special on their birthday. If that date on the calendar is fast approaching and you’re beginning to plan the festivities, here are some unique and inexpensive ways to make your child’s birthday extra special this year.

Pick the Perfect Theme

You can always pick out a mishmash of random party décor and call it a day, but where’s the fun in that? Themed parties are the best. To pick out the perfect theme for your child’s birthday, ask them, “Hey, what are your favorite things in the world?”, or put on your detective hat and observe closely.

Maybe they’re obsessed with mermaids, or they wish they could join Captain Kirk and Spock on the USS Enterprise. If you make their party themed around the things that they love instead of going the bland and generic route, you’ll make them more exuberant on their special day.

Let Them Choose the Menu

Uh-oh, you already know what they’re going to say. Give them a cake and give them candy. They want a huge bowl of spaghetti and pizza galore. Unless you’ve miraculously created a veggie-lover, your kid will probably pick out the unhealthy delicacies they rarely get the opportunity to gorge on.

And you know what? That’s okay. A single day of feasting on fat and sugar-heavy foods won’t kill them (especially if you serve a vegetable stir fry for dinner the next day). Worst-case scenario, they’ll have a bit of a tummy ache later—but a big, broad smile on their face to even it out.

Drive-By Parade

Not keen on having an in-person party? Or maybe you just want to make the party interesting from start to end. A drive-by parade is a fantastic way to make your child’s birthday extra special this year. Ask family and friends to drop by your residence at a certain time and drive around the block with decorated cars, megaphones, radios, and pom-poms.

There’s nothing more special than having a parade dedicated to you. Your child is sure to remember this moment for years (or at least months) to come. At the end of the parade, participants can either drop off presents and cards at your doorstep or bring them inside to get the real party started.

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Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee, the Detroit Mommies Lifestyle & Parenting Contributing Expert is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things home, lifestyle, and parenting. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

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