
Essential Tips for Starting a Family

Essential Tips for Starting a Family

You and your partner talked it over, planned out the days and months ahead, and are finally ready to have a baby. How exciting! Babies are cute, small, and innocent. Not to mention, they’re your creation—little bundles of your genetic lottery. However, when it comes to raising a baby, there are some important considerations to think about. Here are some of the most essential tips for starting a family for you and your partner to talk over and plan out.

Start Budgeting Your Expenses

Babies are expensive, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth your love and attention. When starting a family, you must start budgeting your expenses. After all, you are bringing another mouth to feed into the world. Food, clothes, shelter, and toiletries are just some of the essentials your baby will need. You and your partner might need to cut back on eating out or going on trips to save room for the new baby. Set aside money for their schooling, too. It’s important to get a jump on expenses to avoid issues later on.

Determine Who Takes Parental Leave

This is no issue if only one parent works. Whoever is not working can spend time raising the baby. However, if both parents work, then there might be a snag in work schedules. Determine who will take parental leave. Companies must allow time for new parents to spend with their children, and while most companies might assume mothers will take their leave, fathers should look into it as well. When ready, return to work and have the other parent stay with the child. When the child is old enough, or when you can afford daycare, consider both returning to work for a dual income.

Plan Out the Birthing Process

Another logistical detail to nail down is planning out the birth itself. There are a few ways to plan for the birth of your child. Read some books for more information. Most parents choose a hospital birth and epidural, but some mothers might opt for a natural birth. While a hospital is safer for you and your baby, you can have a natural birth instead if that fits your lifestyle or religious practices. Other considerations for after the birth include circumcision, breastfeeding, baby naming, and so on. Talk with your partner about these decisions.

Start Baby-Proofing Your Home

The last essential tip for starting a family is to baby-proof your home. Baby-proofing means ensuring your child won’t hurt itself on sharp corners or in other potential harmful areas. Some easy ways to do so are keeping your water heater less than 120 degrees, shut rooms your baby could injure itself in, hide heavy objects, cover electrical outlets and doorknobs, install gates around stairs, and keep small items and harmful chemicals out of reach. It might seem like a pain to go through these steps, but remember it is for the health and safety of your baby.

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Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee, the Detroit Mommies Lifestyle & Parenting Contributing Expert is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things home, lifestyle, and parenting. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

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