Michigan’s Detroit Sewn, a full-service contract sewing, and dye-sublimation partner has partnered with the Glamorous Moms Foundation to launch a Volunteer Command Center for DIY sewn masks. If you’re creating masks for community members and need to know where to take them, please read on.
The two groups have come together to launch a Volunteer Command Center that will open Monday, March 30, 2020 at 71 N. Saginaw in downtown Pontiac.
This volunteer initiative has been created for:
- Receipt of 100% fabric donations
- Receipt of donated DIY masks from at-home sewers that have been pre-washed using hot water
- Pickup of free DIY masks in packs of 10 to community groups in dire need
If you are interested in donating fabric and DIY masks that you’ve made at home, the items can be dropped off curbside between the hours of 12-4 pm, Monday through Friday.
There will be no admittance inside the building. Only Detroit Sewn and GMF volunteers will be allowed inside. Donors just need to pull up in front of the building, beep their horns, and volunteers will run out to accept the donated goods. All volunteers will be wearing rubber gloves and masks and will maintain a 6-foot distance between people.
Those in need of 100% cotton fabric to sew masks can also park, honk and let volunteers know what they need and fabric will be dispersed based on availability. Please take note, these masks are NOT for hospitals and are not intended to replace the N95 masks. They are for all the small community groups with individuals at risk for infection that are unable to locate masks elsewhere. Think of senior centers, soup kitchens, grocery store workers, etc.
It is asked that no masks are dropped off that are not made from tightly woven 100% cotton fabric. All masks must be pre-washed using hot water. Patterns used to make the masks can vary. Most important are the fabric content, that the fabric is 2-ply, and that the masks don’t have big gaps between the mask and the skin. Masks can be made with elastic or ties. Those in need will be given packs of 10 FREE of charge.
To stay informed on this initiative and to keep up with announcements and conversations regarding the center please stay in tune with the Center’s Facebook page: @volunteercommandcenterfordiysewnmasks. The volunteer group led by the Glamorous Moms Foundation will check the page throughout the day and respond to messages. Not on Facebook? Leave your questions and comments below and we can help.
To learn more about Detroit Sewn visit https://www.detroitsewn.com/
To learn more about Glamorous Moms Foundation visit https://glamorousmoms.foundation/