Game Day Party Prep Idea

Ways to Make Hosting Your Big Game Party Easy this Year!

Game Day Party Prep Idea

Preparing For Your Big Game Party Doesn’t Have to be Stressful

We’re only a couple of weeks away from the Big Game, and if you’re lucky your favorite team is playing this year. Our home team may not be on the field, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have people coming over to watch the game with us. We’ll admit, some of us are just there to watch the commercials, but we love hosting each year. If you’re hosting too, getting ready for your party may be stressful for you as you get your home prepared while preparing some of your favorite dishes.

So how do you get ready for your Big Game party without being overcome with stress? It’s a struggle and something we fight every year, and with each holiday season. But we have a few things we do that help us get through each party and come out on the other end where we can enjoy the event with our guests, instead of being stuck in the kitchen the whole time.

Create Your Checklist

We’re huge on making lists for pretty much everything. As we get through each thing, there is a small bit of satisfaction in putting that check next to the item on the list. Prioritize what makes sense to get done before your guests arrive. Does your house need cleaning? What things do you need to prepare ahead of time? What ingredients do you need to get to make everything on your list? Do you have time to run to the store or is it easier to use a grocery shopping service? Once you know what needs to be done, it’s easy to make sure you go down that list and check off each item. You can plan accordingly and make sure nothing gets missed.

Prepare Your Favorite Dishes

There are certain foods that you expect to see at every Big Game party, from beer to chips and pizza. But each family has its traditions, and we like to make sure we have a fun variety for everyone attending and a variety of diets.

Appetizer and Snack Ideas

Main Courses

When in Doubt –  Order Out

No matter how hard we try – we can’t be perfect at everything. Yes, we wear a lot of hats, but some of those hats aren’t as good at baking or even cooking. We all have our strengths and if yours is making custom drinks – own it! Make whatever you can,  highlight your strengths, and if that means you have to order a pizza or two, that’s ok too. Let’s be real; there’s a good chance your kids may not eat those goat cheese stuffed figs, even if you wrap them in bacon anyhow. Don’t stress about what you can’t do, instead do what you can and accept help (or pay for it) when you can’t.

The primary key to any Big Game party, or indeed any party is to have fun and spend time with your friends and family, so making sure you have time to do that!




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Becky Fixel

Becky is an interior designer, an adjunct professor, a foodie, a product reviewer and a gluten free blogger in Detroit, Michigan. Becky is gluten free, and develops gluten free recipes for her home as well as her readers. The Week99er household is a clean eating and fresh household, and the site features gardening and how to do things from scratch. Becky is a self proclaimed kitchen goddess, a bee keeper and loves to travel.

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