Who Says Disney is Just for Kids?
We all grew up Disney kids, but now we’re adults and just refuse to grow up, right? We love the parks as much as the kids do – but there is a simple rule that adults must follow: no dressing up as characters. This is to help keep the magic alive for kids but it does leave older fans feeling left out at times. So over the last few years we’ve seen a rise in Disney Bounding, or going to the park in outfits that are reminiscent of your favorite character but not dressed up in costume.
Disney Bounding is a fun way to show your love for Disney and show off your fashion sense at the same time.
Bounding Doesn’t Have to be Complicated – Stay Comfortable!

One of the best things about Disney Bounding is you can put in as much or as little to it as you want. Remember it isn’t suppose to be a costume but more of an homage to your favorite character. It could simply be a cute dress with a bag that has characters on it, it could be jeans and a shift in the right color or an outfit similar to the characters.
No matter what your bounding style, keep in mind your day at the park will be hot and outside. So make sure your outfit is comfortable for the long day.
Heading with your Sweetheart or a Group? So Many Options!

For years you really only got to do cute couple outfits at Halloween. Now we see them at Christmas time on family Christmas cards, but how about when you go to the park? Choose your favorite Disney couple and dress up. Han and Anna? Chip and Gadget? Star Lord and Gamora? Choose your favorite couple and choose an outfit similar to their style.
Have a larger group? There are larger character sets you could choose – dress the whole family as the Incredibles! Dress as your favorite Avengers, or dress up as your favorite residents from Radiator Springs. There are so many options for ensembles.
Let Your Fashion Shine! Combine Your Favorite Pieces To Make Your Favorite Characters

We all have our favorite bag, necklace or hat – use it in your bounding outfit. This adorable crocodile Kate Spade clutch perfectly accessorized a Peter Pan Bounding outfit. Add in some cute jean capris and you’ll not only be adorable all day, but comfortable as you make your way through the parks.
No Character is Off Limits – New Movies and Characters Add to the Fun

With the new Incredibles movie coming to theaters next month, there’s a good chance we’re going to be seeing a lot of Super outfits in our near future. We love how simple this Incredibles 2 inspired out fit is. It will have you asking “Where is my Super Suit?” as you head to the parks!