Healthy Thanksgiving

How to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving

Healthy Thanksgiving Options

Let’s Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Shall We? 

Celebrating Thanksgiving with family is one of our favorite times of the year! However, while the holidays are a time to get together with family and friends, every party and gathering is also an excuse to take a holiday from your healthy eating habits. Here are a few tips that will help you and your family stay on track without depriving anyone of a true Thanksgiving feast: 

Eat Turkey

Turkey is a lean protein source that is perfect for making healthy meals.  So enjoy plenty of turkey (without skin and gravy, of course) and please hold back from eating any ham because it is high in sodium and saturated fats.  

Take Control of Side Dishes

Side dishes like mac and cheese, stuffing, creamed corn and green bean casserole can sometimes be hard to avoid during Thanksgiving!  With several types of cheese, milk, and breadcrumbs, in many of these dishes you might want to take just a tiny spoonful during your Thanksgiving feast.  

Fill 1/2 of Your Plate with Veggies

If you are planning to visit family, make sure to take a salad bowl or vegetable plate. Otherwise be a health-conscious host and prepare plenty of veggies for everyone! Adding veggies to your plate will fill you up and keep you from indulging in unhealthy food. Just forgo the cheese, cream, and butter!

Don’t Skip Breakfast or Lunch

It is a big mistake to fast before a big meal or party! When people skip meals, they end up feeling so hungry by dinnertime that they behave irrationally and overeat. Don’t make this mistake! Make sure you and your family have a regular breakfast and lunch to avoid packing on the pounds.

More Water and Less Dessert

Remember to drink plenty of water before and during your meal! Drinking water will help your stomach stay full and keep you from overeating. As for sweets, limit your portion to one serving of dessert. Your best bet is a slice of pumpkin pie since it has 40% fewer calories than pecan pie!

Focus on Balance

The holiday season is a time for celebration!  

Instead of trying to lose weight focus on maintaining what you have already accomplished. If you and your family can shift from a mindset of weight loss to weight maintenance and control portions, then eating healthy during the holidays will not be as hard as you think. Portion control is the key!



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Meghan Ritchie

Meghan is a busy mom of two children, Holden 6 and Nora 4. She is the Program Coordinator, a Personal Trainer and Conditioning Coach at Starting Line Health and Fitness. Health and fitness has always been a very important part of her life, and, in the past, to a fault. After struggling with her own health and fitness goals she learned quickly that life is all about balance. Nothing more drove that point home more than her children. She soon learned that it was possible to take care of her growing family and herself. When she took care of herself, she found herself taking better care of her family.

She wants to share her success of raising a family and staying in great shape with those around her. She strives to show families how important it is for parents to be interested in their own wellness. Because through their interest in health and fitness their children can see first hand the importance of fueling and using their bodies in the right way!

Meghan wishes to teach, help and coach people to achieve their fitness goals and improve their lifestyle by finding balance.

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