Ahhh….Halloween, that time of year we all look forward to. Parents run around spending hundreds of dollars for a few good Facebook pics and a couple of hours of fun filled trick-or-treating. Costumes, glow-in-the-dark candy bags, make-up, pumpkin flashlights, blinking necklaces, Pinterest crafts/recipes and endless bags of candy to hand out at the door. Don’t forget the umbrella, hats and coats in case it rains or snows. Hey, you never know!
What ever happened to homemade costumes and plastic masks, pillow cases for collecting treats and leaving a bowl of smarties on the porch for the neighbor kids? I remember running into Kmart the day before Halloween only to find a couple of the famous plastic costumes left. Of course, my sister got Cinderella and I was forced to be Bullwinkle. Have you ever trick-or-treated with a sweaty Bullwinkle mask on all night? Not the best childhood memory but definitely a memory.
Those were the good ‘ol days. The days of waiting in line at the local police station while they X-Rayed your candy. Yep, people actually put razor blades, poison and needles in the candy and apples back then. Kinda scary, huh? But, we all lived to tell about it.
We went trick-or-treating alone while mom and dad relaxed at home. Sometimes Grandma was nice enough to drive next to us while we ran up and down neighborhood porches. Going to someone else’s neighborhood was even more fun that begging for candy in your own.
There was never a more fun Halloween than when I was twelve, 5’8″ and old people refused to give me candy because I was “too big”; another awesome childhood Halloween memory. All joking aside, things have changed, some for the worse and some for the better.
Be safe. Razor blades and needles are not the norm these days but crazy drivers and child molesters are. Share these important Halloween safety tips to keep your children safe during the fun:
1. No masks! Masks deter vision causing your child to trip and fall or walk in front of traffic.
2. Wear bright colors and/or carry a flashlight.
3. Never allow your child to trick-or-treat alone.
4. Instruct your child to never enter a home while trick-or-treating.
5. Do not allow your child to run ahead of you. It is dark and very easy to get caught up in the crowd.
6. Instruct kids to never eat the candy before adults have a chance to check it out.
7. In case of allergies, keep a separate bag handy for things they won’t be eating.
8. Dress kids in costumes that are flame retardant.
9. Do not buy costumes that may drag the ground causing children to fall and get hurt.
10. Last but not least………...no crossing the street unless a responsible friend or family member is there to help.
Common sense goes a long way. Take the time to be safe and enjoy the night.
Halloween preparation = hundreds of $$$ dollars. Halloween fun = Priceless.
From our friends at Regal Pediatrics
Tel: 248-852-5177
2502 S. Rochester Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 48307