Framed Pine Cones for the Holiday

I came across this idea on for framing pine cones and decided to give it a try.  I made one change to how they did it.  I glued the ribbon to the back of the frame and did not draping it over the top. It was pretty easy and didn’t take more than an hour (once I had everything together).  I had a basket full of large pine cones we had picked up on a camping trip out west.  I decided to display them in a frame rather than have them piled up in a basket.  You can put your own touch on this by choosing any kind of ribbon or frame (think thrift store).




– Old Picture Frame – any size

– Pine Cones in assorted sizes

– Festive Ribbon

– Glue Gun and Elmer’s X-TREME glue sticks

– Scissors



  1. Prep your picture frame by removing any picture or print
  2. Lay picture frame on a flat surface and begin arranging the pine cones the way you want them.
  3. Once you are happy with the lay-out, cut the ribbon in the varied lengths you want – MAKE SURE to leave about 2 inches extra on each piece for gluing to the cone and the back of the frame.
  4. After the ribbons are cut begin gluing the ribbon to the top of the pine cones.  I used a lot of glue to make sure they wouldn’t fall off (my cones were large and heavy).
  5. Once the glue has dried (this happens pretty quickly) then you can start gluing the ribbons to the back of your frame – again I used a lot of glue to make them secure.
  6. After everything has dried you’re ready to hang your masterpiece.


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