On May 1.2010 Michigan banned smoking in bars, restaurants and workplaces. Being a parent and a health-conscious individual, I am extremely thrilled by this move that Michigan finally made. I don’t have a problem with people using things like a vape kit or an e-cig, but nicotine cigarettes are a big no-no for me.
I’m grateful that I never took up smoking, as I know that it is incredibly bad for your health, but I also understand that it is hard to break the habit. This is why I have nothing wrong with people making use of e-cigs and the different eliquids that they can get with them, as I’ve heard that it helps people stop smoking altogether, and is better than going cold-turkey! So it’s certainly a step in the right direction.
There are, however, individuals that are less than thrilled by this new law. And, as you’ve guessed they are the individuals that, prior to May 1, 2010, were able to sit at a bar or restaurant and leisurely puff on their cigarette while the rest of us non-smokers scurried to finish our meal, so that our children and ourselves did not have to endure too much of the second-hand smoke we were forced to breathe. Perhaps they should consider changing to vapes instead, to at least help them get through their meals and let us enjoy ours.
According to a few different studies, 70 percent of smokers2 want to quit, but only three to five who quit unaided stay smoke-free for up to 12 months3.
To encourage Michiganders who want to quit, sometimes it’s important to have that support of others, and that’s why Pfizer has supported LetsQuitTogetherNow.com. The site allows smokers to make a pledge to quit smoking and learn about making a quit plan; in addition to providing resources, it also is a chance for smokers to compete in a city-by-city competition to join in a pledge and help their local communities get healthier. Right now, Kalamazoo has collected the most pledges – so there’s still time for Detroit to represent!