Coupon Book
Make a coupon book for Dad. Put things like, “One free ticket to my soccor game,” “One free sidewalk shovel,” or “One free bear sized hug.” Be creative and have the kids each decorate the coupons with pictures of the activities.
Basket For Dad
Grab a basket and fill it with Dad’s favorite things. one place you can go to pick up inexpensive basket fillers is the local drug store or the dollar bins at Target. You could even make a themed basket with microwave popcorn, a DVD, some of Dad’s favorite candy and a few cans of his favorite soda. You could also have your kids make movie tickets for the basket to add a little of a personal touch. Again, be creative!
Make a Scrapbook
Put together a scrapbook for Dad. Get some construction paper, glue, markers or crayons, buttons, ribbon and whatever else you can find to decorate the pages. Put pictures of special memories and write something about each picture. Then decorate the pages. You could also add the children’s artwork making this a treasured keepsake for sure!
Send Dad and E-Card
Cards are kinda expensive and really It’s the though that touches someone more than the actual card. Create and share a Father’s Day”s greeting featuring your photos, message, and music. Smilebox is my favorite site for e-cards, but did you know you can also create a DVD slide show for Dad?? Way cool!