The 3rd Annual Michigan Taco Fest, presented by CV Events and produced by the nonprofit organization, Friends of the Castle, is returning to Canterbury Village in Lake Orion located at 2359 Joslyn Ct., this June! This event will be bigger than ever!

The 3rd Annual Michigan Taco Fest, presented by CV Events and produced by the nonprofit organization, Friends of the Castle, is returning to Canterbury Village in Lake Orion located at 2359 Joslyn Ct., this June! This event will be bigger than ever!
Michigan Fall Festival at Canterbury Village is October 2 & 3, 2021 Are you ready for some outside fun this fall? The Michigan Fall Festival at Canterbury Village is this weekend October 2 & 3, 2021. The family fun event that offers fresh cider and donuts from Yates Cider Mill, classic kids games throughout the …
The Soaring Eagle Arts, Beats & Eats will be held downtown Royal Oak on Friday, Sept. 3, Saturday, Sept. 4, and Sunday, Sept. 5, 2021. Founded to celebrate the quality of life in Oakland County, the annual event is expecting to host over 400,000 guests over the weekend and hopes to raise over $350,000 for local charities.
10 Things To Do During the Winter Months
Ways To Enjoy the Fall With Your Kids with Detroit Mommies.