One thing that is fun about owning your own business is being creative with marketing in order to generate leads. You want to get your product out there into the consumers hands, but in today’s economic slump, spending thousands of dollars for a magazine add just isn’t in the budget! So, whether you’re looking to …
I love the whole concept of vlogging! To be in front of the camera is all too intriguing to me. A little fact that not too many people know about me is that I tried out for a soap opera when I was about 21 years old called Sunset Beach. They were having try-outs for …
Free Birthday Treats
My lovely friend Julie is the mastermind behind a really cool site called Free Birthday Treats. With the economy in a pinch, who wouldn’t just jump on the notion of getting something free for your birthday! You can find free birthday offers for adults, children and even the family pet! I decided to see …
Blush **Contest**
There have been numerous times that I’ve put on my favorite top with my favorite jeans and then I’ve gone to bend over to grab a toy and oops! out pop my undies…not a sight I want the whole world to see when I’m out and about. Blush has solved this inconvenience with a topless …
Goorin Brothers Hats
I am a HUGE fan of hats! I love to pull my hair into a pony tail and slap a hat on. It’s something that started about the time my 2nd daughter came into the world. I started wearing hats because I thought they were cute and then I realized that they made getting ready …
Giddy Giddy
Looking for a really neat gift for a toddler or young girl? Well, I’m sure she’ll love anything you get her from Giddy Giddy!With bright colors and whimsical designs, these hair clips, clip holders, ponytail hairbands and pouches are sure to turn heads and definitely warrant a compliment!