I fell in love with this gadget and I don’t know if it’s because of it’s uber cool function or its darling appearance. The awesome mommy from Resourceful Mommy brought the Poken to my attention. This device is the perfect gadget for business people, moms, dads, teens,and even kids. You upload your info on the …
What is Your Favorite Household Product?
You know the one…that product that makes you giddy with excitement every time you clean. The product that makes the sun shine even though there is a storm brewing outside. The product that puts the cherry on top of a well cleaned home. Well, I might be going a bit overboard, but I can answer …
When given the opportunity to review the EarCheck Middle Ear Monitor, I got kind of excited. You might think that I’m strange for getting so excited, but if you only knew what I went through the previous week…you’d understand. My daughters temperature shot up to 102 degrees and Tylenol wasn’t breaking it. She had no …
The Daily Grommet
What is a Grommet? My favorite definition of a Grommet according to The Daily Grommet is: “It’s a wonderful product still waiting in the wings, just ripe for discovery.” I was introduced to The Daily Grommet sometime last year before it was even introduced on the web. It was still in the fetus stage and …
Tutu **Contest**
There is nothing sweeter that a little girl in a tutu! They make great props for pictures, they are fun for dress-up, and they are even cute over a pair of jeans or leggings! My girls love to dress up and I love to buy them frilly, girly things! It’s a match made in heaven! …
Mama Necklace
Oh man! The first time I saw this necklace, I fell in love! How can you tell the world you are a mother in a more elegant way than with this classy necklace by Tali Gillette. Even the celebrities are swooning over these necklaces! Starlets such as Gweneth Paltrow, Joely Fischer, Natalie Morales, Naomi Watts …