It’s winter, you are stuck in the house with the kids and you need SOMETHING to do. Here is a simple recipe to make fun Marshmallow Snowman: Need: Pretzel sticks ( large and small) Large marshmallows Raisins Chocolate chips, gumdrops Hershey Kisses To make: Stick 3 large marshmallows on a pretzel large stick Stick 2 small pretzels …
Easy Playdough Recipe!
This is the easiest play-dough recipe I have found! I posted it back in 2009 and thought since the kids are out on winter break that it would be a great post to revisit! Here you go: 1 cup flour 1 cup water 1/2 cup salt 1 Tbs cream of tarter 1 Tbs oil food coloring Heat …
Easy Candy Cane Craft Idea for Kids
This is a super easy craft that takes some time and the kids love it! Simply take some colored pipe cleaners and any kind of plastic beads. Let kids make patterns or just string the beads on in any manner. Be sure to wrap one end so the beads do not fall off. When the …
Easy Craft Idea: Reindeer Footprint Craft
To make the head: Trace one of the child’s feet on brown paper. To make the antlers, do one of the following: Trace each of the child’s hands on brown paper. When making the antlers, spread the thumb as far from the other fingers as possible. Assemble the reindeer (glue antlers and face to head …
Fingernail Polish on Children
I love fingernail polish and every time I am at Target, I grab a new color. I also love to paint my daughters nails…they are 4 and 6. One day we’ll do purple, another day we’ll do orange and sometimes we go for a softer color like pink. They also love to get their nails …
It's Never Too Early to Teach Your Kids Spanish!
My daughters can spend endless hours in front of the TV…if I let them! So, when they are watching a movie or a TV show, I like to choose educational programs so they might learn a little something. Not all educational programs are fun and entertaining enough to keep my girls focused, so when I …