Festive Fall Activites For The Family

Recently, I had my wisdom teeth pulled, so I had to figure out a way to entertain my 5 year old daughter, in case I was in pain! Well, after suffering from a great amount of pain, caused by a dry socket, every day trips to the dentist, and being on strong medication that made …

Frankenweenie Free Family Fun Printables

Frankenweenie will be in theaters on October 5, 2012.  The Disney flick is rated PG and is directed by Tim Burton.  It’s a heartwarming tale about a boy and his dog.  When young Victor loses his beloved dog, he turns to science to try and bring the dog, Sparky, back to life.  He gets unintended …

4 Fun and Easy Crafts for the Fourth of July

Kids and the Fourth of July make a great combination.  From picnics to fireworks, this time of year seems to crack some smiles and cause little eyes to sparkle in amazement and excitement.  Why not add some fun and easy crafts to the festivities?  It’s also a great way to educate on why we celebrate this …

5 Craft Items to Make with Painter’s Paint Markers

Make a DIY teen shirt! All you need is a shirt, a little inspiration and Painter’s Pain Markers!  Fine the instructions over at Country Chic Cottage. Check out these fantastic comic book themed shoes!  They are easy to make and are sure to turn heads!  Find out all the how to info at Not So …

Creating a Science Project #ElmersScienceReady

Science projects are one my favorite things to work on with my son.  I have found that the secret to getting your child to WANT to do them is to let them pick the subject.  We were asked to create a science project by Elmer’s. The only requirement was that we had to use an …