Positives To Sewing Your Own Clothes Don’t let the stress of finding the perfect outfit for your Friday night plans take over. Picking out what you are going to wear and going out on the town should be a great, stress-free time. So, do what you can to eliminate that stress and find a much …
Learn What Your Clothes Are Made of Before You Buy
Learn What Your Clothes Are Made of Before You Buy on Detroit Mommies.
How To Prepare Yourself for Winter
Winter is coming so it’s time to get prepared. Detroit Mommies has a list of helpful tips to get you ready for the colder months.
Attention Dads! Get the James Bond 007 Eyewear Now!
With the highly anticipated addition to the James Bond franchise soon to grace our screens, we thought we would share with you the limited edition Barton Perreira x 007 collection – exclusive to Fashion Eyewear.
Why Is Everyone Talking About Moissanite?
This interesting jewel gets its name from the French scientist, Henri Moissan. Interestingly, it is actually the mineral form of silicon carbide, and he was the first person to identify it. Moissanite shines more brightly than a diamond or any other known gem, making it superior to many other
stones in many ways
5 Ways Shopping is Different Now
Five ways shopping is different now. Read on for ideas and ways you can shop safely during COVID-19.