10 Gluten Free Back to School Snacks Your Kids Will Actually Like


Back to school time is hard on everyone. There are new schools, new teachers, and new schedules the whole family has to adjust to. But add in a food allergy or a gluten sensitivity – it can add in a whole list of problems including packing extra snacks, coordinating extra meals and finding something your kids will actually eat. Being gluten free isn’t easy when you’re an adult, but having for kids it’s can be almost torture.

There are a lot of temptations with their friends lunches at school, or store bought gluten free baked goods – but we all know that may bring on problems with reactions, added sugar and added fats. So what do you have handy for your kids for their lunch boxes or even when they get home? Here are ten gluten free snacks your kids will like having around, and they’re not that hard to have on hand! 

  1. Fruit Snacks – These are a favorite for kids from toddlers through adulthood. They’re quick, they’re small and easy to carry around with you. There are a lot of different options on the market, but we love YumEarth– they are free from top allergens including: No Egg, fish, milk, peanuts, shellfish, soy, tree-nuts and gluten. They use real fruit juice, no gluten and we sneak them into our lunch box as well. 
  2. Cookies – Yes, this one seems a little counter intuitive, but while the kids think they’re getting a treat they don’t know they’re eating some pretty healthy goodies as well. Our favorite recipe is for Chocolate Muesli No Bake Cookies Recipe. It’s loaded with protein from nuts and peanut butter and it even has some fruit in there as well. They are delicious, not completely unhealthy and the kids will think they’re getting a treat.
  3. Applesauce – Fall is the perfect time for anything apple. We love making homemade applesauce, but don’t mind picking up some of the travel packs for lunch bags. It’s quick, not overly sweet and can be made better by adding in strawberries, cinnamon or cloves. 
  4. Peanut Butter Protein Balls – In a rush on the way out the door and need a quick filler for a morning bite, snacks before a sports game or something to keep them going throughout the day? These protein balls are loaded with healthy goodness, a bit of natural sweetener and little bits of chocolate make them the perfect snack that may become your guilty please. Find the recipe for Easy No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls Recipe here!
  5.  Yogurt – This is another snack that we can make at home (in the slow cooker no less) if we have time or don’t mind grabbing the travel packs if we need to. Yogurt is packed with protein, is great for a snack or even breakfast. Jazz it up with your own oats, nuts or even fresh fruit. Want to make your own yogurt – try this slow cooker yogurt recipe
  6. Fresh Fruit – Whatever is your (or your kids favorite) is perfect for this. We love buying in season in bulk and chopping and prepping items ahead of time. Some fruit are even more delicious when frozen like grapes. You can prepare snack sized versions of their favorite fruits in muffin tins and have them waiting in the fridge.  
  7. Cinnamon Sugar Doughnut Muffins – These are another fun snack that isn’t always healthy, but can be added in as a treat, breakfast and as a dessert. Its an easy muffin recipe, rolled in a cinnamon sugar blend and taste like doughnuts! Find the recipe for Cinnamon Sugar Doughnut Muffins
  8. Veggie Sticks and Dip – These are probably some of the healthiest and easiest snacks to have on hand. Carrots, celery, cucumbers, peppers – whatever is your favorite. How about a little ranch to dip them in? Or even some hummus or salsa? 
  9. Chips and Salsa – This may be one of my favorite go to snacks in our house. We always have chips and salsa on hand, the fresh salsa is low in calories, gets kids to eat fruits and veggies (without too much complaining about it) and can be a great snack after school, or even a side dish with certain meals. 
  10. Popcorn – It’s not just for movies! We have an air popper, and sometimes still grab a bag from the pantry and toss it in the microwave. It’s munch, takes care of the need to munch and isn’t full of junk. 





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Becky Fixel

Becky is an interior designer, an adjunct professor, a foodie, a product reviewer and a gluten free blogger in Detroit, Michigan. Becky is gluten free, and develops gluten free recipes for her home as well as her readers. The Week99er household is a clean eating and fresh household, and the site features gardening and how to do things from scratch. Becky is a self proclaimed kitchen goddess, a bee keeper and loves to travel.

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