Chuck E. Cheese has some exciting things happening this fall that you and your family will not want to miss! CHUCKTOBER 2012 is in full effect! Parents and children can log onto www.chuckecheese.com and print out a series of different props to pair with a costume such as a silly tie, moustache, or glasses. In addition, Children who bring in the coupon from the activity to participating Chuck E. Cheese’s locations during the month of October can enjoy 10 free tokens to be used to win fabulous prizes!
As part of the special “CHUCKTOBER 2012” promotion, weekend visitors will enjoy a new Chuck E. trick – a candy splash featuring free candy and tickets! The splash takes place at 12 p.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays only. Parents can look for more details in Chuck E. Cheese’s latest email blast.
Chuck E.’s new downloadable song, “Them Bones,” will be playing daily, every hour during the free ticket splash! Families can learn the song & practice the dance together, by watching the new video on YouTube!
To make “CHUCKTOBER 2012” even more exciting families can pose for photos in their costumes using their props. Guests can share their memories by emailing pictures or videos to memories@cecentertainment.com and they may appear on Chuck E.’s Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/officialchuckecheese or the Chucktober Pinterest board featuring all the treat- and tweet-worthy looks!
In addition, guests can find October’s activity, as well as other fun Chuck E. activities, on the Chuck E. Cheese’s website at https://www.chuckecheese.com. For even more fun, visit the Chuck E. Cheese’s YouTube channel to watch entertaining videos that feature the famous Chuck E. having fun with kids and families nationwide.