With a preschooler and a toddler, back-to-school is still taking on meaning. Last year was my daughter’s first year of preschool, she went a whopping two days a week for a few hours a day. However, it was a huge milestone for all of us. School! And as a mom, I had no idea where to start. Besides the little list they gave us asking for things like a paint shirt and glue sticks, I knew there had to be something else I could do to start off the school year. Tiny Prints has the answers.
You know how kids have tons of stuff to take to school? From pencil boxes and folders to paint smocks and gym shoes, why not make them stand out with custom labels from Tiny Prints? Personally, I love the tags with the photo and the name. That makes it easier for little kids who can’t read yet to identify that something belongs to my little girl.
It doesn’t stop there.
Tiny Prints provides adorable allergy cards, play date cards, activity cards and even lunchbox notes, something that I can’t wait to stick in my daughter’s lunch box, neatly packed next to her peanut butter and jelly sandwich and little bag of sliced up apples. As a working mom, I can’t wait until she can read and I can leave her with little love notes to let her know I’m thinking about her even when I’m not with her.
The fun stuff isn’t just for the students. Why not send a little note to your child’s new teacher with the teacher appreciation card? Or get them ready for the school year with academic planners and even wall decor.
When ordering stuff for the students and the teachers, don’t forget yourself. Tiny Prints offers family planners, emergency contact cards, stationery for the family and photo books, a nice way to remember all those back-to-school photos you made the kids pose for on the first day of school.
Back-to-school isn’t just the time when my daughter heads back to her preschool room, it’s also the time my sisters-in-law move back to school for the year and we start prepping the care packages. Tiny Prints offers many personalized, creative gifts for us to send to them at school. With Tiny Prints moving postcards and business cards, they can share their school addresses with family and friends. The notebooks and notepads will make taking notes during class a little less boring. And what college student doesn’t have enough decor for the dorm room?
And now the fine print. I was compensated by Global Influence’s Tiny Prints campaign for my post, however the thoughts and opinions written here are my own.