Have you all seen the Verizon commercial with the little girl, Susie, who runs a lemonade stand and with the help of her father’s phone, she create a lemonade empire? You know the one. Well, if you don’t, or even if you do, here it is.
Does your kid want to be the next Susie? Maybe you have the recipe for the best lemonade on the block and you want to, for one day at least, sell it? Take part in Lemonade Day Detroit on June 12. It’s easy, it’s free and you get to take home all the profits!
The goal is to have 15,000 new entrepreneurs hit the streets of Metro Detroit. To get started, kids can pick up a backpack from any of the many locations throughout Metro Detroit. Inside are tips and age-appropriate suggestions for the pre-kindergarten sellers all the way to the seniors in high school. Registration sites are Huntington Bank branches, Lemonade Day Detroit Community Partners and Art Van stores. As Lemonade Day Detroit Contest Sponsor, Art Van is offering every child completing the results form by June 24 a chance to win a trip to Disney World.
So get squeezing those lemons, or at least stocking up on the frozen cans, build your stand and then let us know where you will be! We will be making the rounds to the stands to buy a cup and take some pictures with our Detroit Mommies readers.