This years BlogHer conference in NYC was jammed packed with special, private events and the first one of many for me was a drive to Blue Hill at Stone Barns in a Chevrolet Cruze.
We departed from the NYC Hilton at about 9am, each 2 person team in their own Cruze. We were armed with a set of directions and an envelope of cash for the toll in and out of the city.
Once we arrived at Blue Hill at Stone Barns, we were split into two groups. My group was lead to the actual field where green beans were grown and we got to experience how to pick green beans. Then, once we were hot and dripping from the sweltering heat, we were lead to the kitchen where we learned how to make raspberry preserves. I couldn’t believe how easy it was and the finished product tasted much better than store bought preserves.
Our next adventure was in the Chevy Volt. What a cool car! The Volt is battery operated and super sporty. We were given a full overview of the ins and outs of the car that has yet to be in production. We got a test drive in the prototype and I was geeked out by all the bells and whistles and cool technology the car possesses. It really is made for the future driver that is ready for a car that fits right into the technology driven world.
After the drive, it was lunch time. We started off with amazing hors d’oeuvres such as polenta fries with spicy vegetables and pancetta wrapped zucchini and non alcoholic, ice cold beverages. Then we moved into the dining room for a wonderful meal of a salad made of summer fruits and vegetables with homemade ricotta and pastured Stone Barns chicken with summer beans and smoked tomato. My mouth was in heaven! Lunch ended with a flaxseed brownie with caramelized strawberries and toaster pine nut ice cream… delectable!
My favorite part of the day were the connections I made with the GM crew. They were there to answer any and all questions about the Volt and the future of Chevrolet as well as connect themselves (the brand) with us (the bloggers/influencers). This connection will put them ahead on loyalty list. They are good people and that makes a huge difference to me.
One more thing I’m not too proud to share, but will was that my driving partner Fiona Bryan and I got lost coming back from Blue Hill at Stone Barns and were trying to find our way through New York. On Star helped us get back on track and find our way back to the Hilton. If you haven’t tried On Star, it totally rocks! I liked being able to talk to a live person… it made me relax in a stressful situation.
Thanks GM for an amazing time!