The Airplane Story: Book Review

Local author Shari Minke, has released a thoughtful book geared for the blended family. In our society today, it is increasingly common for children to grow up in blended families.  The children are often exposed to quite a bit of change and have many questions about their new families, expectations, rules, and much more.  Ms. Minke has taken this topic and has written a thoughtful, encouraging story that many families can relate to.

The Airplane Story: A Blended Family’s Journey is a tool to bring about healing, communication, help and hope for blended families. When Shari remarried, her heart broke over the pain that her new (step) children, and her biological children, dealt with due to the loss of a parent through death and divorce. The contents of this illustrated children’s book are true. They are shared in order to encourage others in their blended family relationships! “Conversation Starters” at the end of the book can be used as a interactive guide to help blended families work though the difficulties, pains, hurt feelings and changes they may encounter as they begin their new journey.

For more information about Shari Minke, please visit

Courtney Lawless

Courtney is the traveling mom! She has 3 girls and is the founder of Detroit Mommies and currently lives in Florida. You can follow her on Twitter @courtneyRVL.

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