Empty Bowls Mean Empty Tummys

It breaks my heart to know that a child somewhere has an empty tummy and is hungry.

As a way to help combat hunger, enjoy a simple meal of soup and bread over music for a $10 donation.  You will also take home a decorated bowl to remind you that someone’s bowl is always empty.

Proceeds from the event will benefit Gleaners Community Food Bank.

The event will be held at Assumption Cultural Center  from noon-2 p.m. on Sunday, February 28,2010.

Assumption Cultural Center
21800 Marter Road
St. Clair Shores, MI

Courtney Lawless

Courtney is the traveling mom! She has 3 girls and is the founder of Detroit Mommies and currently lives in Florida. You can follow her on Twitter @courtneyRVL.

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